Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (2024)

Part 157: BCP 5 - Melting Love

X-394 is a big facility, full of mysterious creatures known as Abnormalities. Many of these Abnormalities can do very bad things if they're handled improperly, and it's vitally important that our agents know just what may happen if they're careless. What's a manager to do?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (1)

Episode 5: Melting Love

Music: trailer
Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (2)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (3) Hi! I'm Paul! Just your everyday plucky employee of Lobotomy Cobotomy, here today to talk about Melting Love!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (4) Melting Love is an Abnormality which requires a very particular form of handling. That's been included in other materials, so our job today is to show you what happens if you don't follow them properly.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (5) Oh boy oh boy, I can't wait to see what the fuss is all about! Put me in, coach, I'm ready to work!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (6) Now, Paul, we can't power you up every time. It's expensive, and we have perfectly good agents on hand already!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (7)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (8) It's Extraction Captain Mizu! I've always wanted to work alongside her.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (9) You'll be getting your wish today, Paul! Her suit will allow her to withstand the high Black damage that long-term work with Melting Love can cause, and as an experienced agent she can ensure a quick work process.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (10) All our captains are so coool, Miss Hod! Will I ever get to be captain?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (11) With hard work and determination, anything is possible at Lobotomy Corporation-even survival!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (12)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (13) Ooh, it's a heart! So pretty! I'm all doki-doki'd, Miss Hod!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (14) That heart shines over an agent at the exact moment Melting Love provides her blessing. From here on, we want to keep her all alone.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (15) Remember, social distancing is important in any pandemic!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (16) But since this time we're doing research, let's have you hang out with her for a while, Paul.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (17)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (18) Ah, this is what we were waiting for! When infected, an agent gets a distinctive pink slime on their face.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (19) Berrylicious! My mouth tastes like strawberries and death!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (20) Now we simply have to wait-but while we do we'll send Mizu around to other departments as well, just for science.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (21) Remember, a healthy social life requires speaking with your fellow agents!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (22) But please refrain from doing so when you've been around Melting Love. Even an agent like Paul here can spread the contagion to others after they've been infected.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (23)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (24) Sweet salmon! Miss Hod, my face has gone pink!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (25) After around a minute, this happens-it means that the agent or clerk has progressed to phase 2 of the infection!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (26) How much longer do we have to wait? It's killing me, Miss Hod!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (27) Paul you silly, it's not the waiting that'll kill you. Just give it another minute or so to progress and we'll get to the big finale.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (28) Oh boy, I hope it's fun and exciting!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (29)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (30) Yowie wowie! That wasn't fun or exciting! It hurt!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (31) After about 120 total seconds, the agent is subsumed by slime and becomes a member of Melting Love's army, but look at the bright side! The slime that consumed you believes that it is you.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (32)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (33) See? It even keeps your name.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (34) That's really nice of it! I'm glad to be part of a whole bigger than myself, Miss Hod!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (35) Now, Paul, I have a question for you! Melting Love's work guidelines say that "The Qliphoth Counter dropped to 0 when the number of D-03-109-2 took up more than 50% of the department while D-03-109-1 was still alive." So, Paul, with all of the others of this department dealt with and you now a slime, what do you think happens?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (36) That's easy, you just told me the answer! Melting Love's Qliphoth Counter drops to 0, Miss Hod!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (37)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (38) Silly Paul, you can't trust everything you read. If Melting Love's counter had dropped, Mizu couldn't be in Safety right now, having an interesting conversation with Captain Mr.Black!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (39) Googly moogly, the information is wrong? But that never happens! Well then… how do you make her escape with slimes?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (40) I'm glad you asked. We've been having Mizu walk around and talk to everyone today for research purposes, and things are just finally starting to come to fruition.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (41)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (42) Marshmallow heck, that's a lot of slimes!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (43) It's only after 50% of the entire facility is changed to slimes that Melting Love actually breaches. She's actually rather docile otherwise.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (44) Does that mean we're gonna' get to see Mizu transform, Miss Hod??

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (45) Unfortunately, she ducked into an elevator both times we attempted to film this-but it's the same thing as your transformation before. We do have her final form, though!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (46) Oh boy! I love ultimate forms!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (47)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (48) Now that's a big slime!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (49) This is the primary slime, the vanguard of Melting Love. It will travel to the Abnormality's side, seeking her out no matter the distance.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (50) Ah, I bet the breaching slime is still a cutie-pie too, right?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (51) Why don't you see for yourself?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (52)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (53) I think she's rather cute, myself!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (54) A true vision of terror!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (55)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (56) She calls out to her children, and while the smaller ones stand behind her as an army, Mizu's become her vanguard-to stand in front of her and defeat any enemies who would threaten her creator.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (57) Wow! Even freaky abnormality slimes have families, huh?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (58) It's nothing so complex as human emotions-these run on simple hierarchical instincts like ants. Our researchers assure us that there should be no reason to feel guilt when suppressing them.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (59) Amazing! Our research department is so very top notch, Miss Hod!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (60) Additionally: to any Agents or Clerks who have developed a habit of eating the leftovers of the Amber Ordeals when they show up-please be sure not to consume any strange slime found after Melting Love has been suppressed.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (61) Just remember this phrase: "If the floor jelly's grape or orange, you'll keep standing. But if it's strawberry, report to the manager for handling!"

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (62) Thanks Paul! That's a great phrase-so great that we'll say it twice. Everybody, together!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (63) Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (64) "If the floor jelly's grape or orange, you'll keep standing. But if it's strawberry, report to the manager for handling!"

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (65) Very good! Well, that's all the time we have today. Thanks for joining us! And remember…

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (66) Knowledge is just pain plus observation! Have a great day!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #157 - BCP 5 (2024)


Is BPC-157 worth it? ›

Although tests were performed on lab mice, research has concluded that BPC-157 has been effective in speeding up the healing time of soft tissue. When conducted on the mice, the test results proved that BPC-157 regenerative effects occurred more thoroughly and quickly.

Is BPC-157 worth it on reddit? ›

Heck yeah, I used BPC-157 and it seemed to help clear lingering injuries, and I was able to bounce back from minor twinges and stuff during exercise that would have lingered otherwise.

Is BPC-157 a steroid? ›

Is BPC 157 a Steroid? No, BPC 157 is not a steroid. It is a peptide pulled from human gastric juice.

What is the downside of BPC 157? ›

Potential BPC-157 Side Effects

The most common side effects reported by patients include: Nausea. Dizziness. Hot flashes.

What does BPC 157 do to the brain? ›

BPC 157 resolves neuronal damage and prevents memory, locomotor, and coordination deficits (Vukojevic et al., 2020). BPC 157 apparently exerts these effects by altering gene expression in the hippocampus (Vukojevic et al., 2020).

Why BPC-157 not approved? ›

Safety Concerns: Without comprehensive human trials, the FDA cannot assure the safety of BPC 157, including potential side effects, long-term impacts, and appropriate dosages. Regulatory Compliance: The FDA highlights the importance of regulatory compliance, which BPC 157 has not fully met according to their standards.

Does BPC-157 raise blood pressure? ›

In blood pressure studies, compared with l-arginine, pentadecapeptide BPC 157 (without effect on basal normal values) had both a mimicking effect (impaired l-NAME-blood pressure increase, when applied prophylactically and decreased already raised l-NAME values, given at the time of the maximal l-NAME-blood pressure ...

Does BPC-157 increase HGH? ›

BPC 157 can no doubt enhance the effect of growth hormone in a dose- and time-dependent manner. More importantly, the effect of BPC 157 can last for at least three days in the cultured tendon fibroblasts, confirming the stability of this pentadecapeptide and only low dose is required for sustained effect.

Is BPC-157 banned in the US? ›

While the FDA has banned BPC 157, it continues to be a subject of interest due to its purported health benefits. This section dives into the positive effects and potential of BPC 157, shedding light on why it has been valued by many, despite regulatory hurdles.

How does BPC-157 affect the heart? ›

BPC 157 therapy effectively counteracted sotalol-occlusion/occlusion-like syndrome, eliminating or attenuating various health effects such as heart dilatation, myocardial congestion, hypertension, thrombosis, and organ congestion.

Does BPC-157 show up on a drug test? ›

In vitro metabolism experiments in plasma demonstrate that MGF R23H has good stability and should be detectable in urine, while BPC 157 forms a stable metabolite that should be detectable in urine. A weak cation exchange solid phase extraction method was validated for detection of BPC 157 in urine.

Does Joe Rogan take BPC 157? ›

Explore the link between peptides and optimal health through the lens of a credible expert. Check out Andrew Huberman's take on peptides here in conversation with Joe Rogan who also takes BPC-157.

Is BPC 157 banned in the US? ›

While the FDA has banned BPC 157, it continues to be a subject of interest due to its purported health benefits. This section dives into the positive effects and potential of BPC 157, shedding light on why it has been valued by many, despite regulatory hurdles.

What are the long-term benefits of BPC 157? ›

BPC 157 has been extensively studied for its regenerative effects on various bodily tissues, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, and the gastrointestinal tract. BPC-157 works by enhancing the body's natural healing mechanisms, promoting the formation of new blood vessels, and reducing inflammation.

How does BPC 157 affect the heart? ›

BPC 157 therapy effectively counteracted sotalol-occlusion/occlusion-like syndrome, eliminating or attenuating various health effects such as heart dilatation, myocardial congestion, hypertension, thrombosis, and organ congestion.


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.