The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 1311-1320 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 1311

After Charlie and his father-in-law left the house, he drove and said with a smile: “Oh, I have waited for so long. I finally waited until the senior college to have an exchange with our Calligraphy and Painting Association. It was not easy!”

Charlie smiled and asked, “Did you communicate with Aunt?”

“Not yet.” Jacob smiled and said, “I plan to surprise her, after all, there are days when I haven’t seen her.”

Charlie nodded and said, “But you should be a little more careful. Don’t let mom know that Aunt has returned to China, let alone let her know that you have contact with her, otherwise our family will really be messed up. It’ll shake the sky.”

Charlie could understand Elaine’s character better. Elaine has several untouchable scales in this life, one is money and the other is Meiqing.

The Old Master is going to divorce her. Although she will be angry, she has not lost her mind. But if she knows that the Old Master and Meiqing met, and the two of them were still fighting while she was in the detention center. Elaine will definitely be angry.

When Jacob heard Charlie’s reminder, he nodded with a serious face and said: “You are right, I have the same idea as you, so I have never dared to have too much contact with your Aunt.”

At this point, Jacob sighed and said: “This stinky lady is still alive and unwilling to divorce me. It is really a headache.”

Charlie smiled and thought to himself, it would be weird if the mother-in-law Elaine was willing to divorce his old father-in-law. After all, she now has nothing, so it is even more unlikely that she would be willing to divorce and leave the family.

The Old Master wanted to get rid of her, I am afraid it is a foolish dream.

When the car drove to the Aurous Hill Gymnasium, Charlie said goodbye to his old man and got out of the car alone.

At this time, the Gymnasium and the entrance were all hung up with promotional materials about this international college student Sanda competition.

It is said that this is the most authoritative one of the global college student Sanda competitions. So far, more than a dozen of them have been held consecutively. This is the first time it has been held in China.

Aurous Hill is also very lucky to be elected as the host city of this competition.

Although the competition has been held for many times, and China has sent players to participate many times, but the best result is fourth place, and they have not won a medal.

Therefore, this time, the Chinese team is very hopeful that it can achieve the international college Sanda competition, a zero breakthrough in medals in this sports event.

And Aoxue is one of the most promising players of the Chinese team to win a medal in this competition.

When Charlie came to the entrance of the gymnasium, he found that there were already a lot of spectators coming in and out. So he called Qin Gang and told him that he had reached the door.

Qin Gang greeted him in a hurry. As soon as he saw him, he respectfully said: “Master, I’m really sorry, I will let you come to see the children’s play house during his busy schedule, which will waste your precious time.”

Charlie smiled slightly and said indifferently: “Where is this? I think this competition is of a very high level. Aoxue’s ability to participate in the war for the country is also a commendable thing. I should cheer for her.

Qin Gang was overjoyed. What he hopes most is that Charlie can have that kind of thought for his daughter. In his eyes, Charlie has long been regarded as the best son-in-law to take a dragon.

Seeing that Charlie is busy and willing to take time for his daughter to come here to watch her game, he naturally feels that this is a manifestation of Master’s importance to his daughter.

So he hurriedly made a gesture of invitation and said to Charlie: “Master, Aoxue is preparing for the battle in the lounge, let’s go to the audience first!”

Chapter 1312

The Gymnasium has a huge area. It not only has a standard indoor swimming pool, but also standard indoor track and field, badminton, table tennis and basketball competition venues.

At this time, the entire stadium, except for the swimming pool, has been vacated for this Sanda competition.

The whole scene is divided into many square shapes, and each square shape has an arena.

Qin Gang pointed to these arenas and introduced to Charlie: “Master, there are a total of 8 arenas at this scene, and these 8 arenas correspond to 8 groups. The 8 groups finished the group preliminaries on a fixed arena. The person who finally won the ring was the only person in this group who successfully broke through and was one of the top eight in the entire game.”

As he said, he pointed to the 5th ring again and said, “Master, Aoxue has been in the 5th ring all the time. Her game has 10 minutes to start. Let’s go over.”

Charlie said hello, and then went to the No. 5 ring with him.

There are a total of more than 100 audience seats around the No. 5 ring, and Qin Gang has already arranged several seats in the first row.

As soon as Charlie arrived, he saw a familiar figure, who turned out to be Steven from the Qin family.

Steven had been banned by the Qin family for a long time because of pretending to be forceful with Charlie and causing a major disaster.

During this period of time, his performance was fairly good. In addition, today was the little pepper Aoxue’s game. As Aoxue’s cousin, he had to come over and cheer for his sister. Qin Gang made an exception to let him out.

Seeing Charlie, Steven had long lost the pretending attitude of the young master of the Qin Family. Before Charlie was there, he hurriedly stood up, but nodded and said, “Master, you are here, please. Sit, please sit down”

Charlie looked at him curiously, and smiled and asked, “Steven, it’s been a long time since I saw you. don’t know where you made your fortune recently?”

Steven said with a face of shame: “Master, I have been reflecting on repentance at home during this period of time. I feel upset and self-blame for offending you every day. I was really blind at the beginning and I dared to oppose you. , And you are an adult, regardless of the villain’s experience, and you have helped our Qin family solve the great troubles. I really don’t know how to thank you!”

Charlie smiled and asked, “Steven, it’s been a long time since I saw you. You seem to be a bit more sensible.”

“Really?” Steven scratched his head and said with a smile: “Master, if you can feel my enthusiasm, I am already very satisfied!”

Qin Gang slapped him on the head and reprimanded: “When you meet Master in Aurous Hill, you must be obedient and respectful, and let me know that you dare to fight Master and I will slap you in the leg and break it!”

Steven nodded repeatedly, and said hurriedly: “Second Uncle, don’t worry, Master will be my idol in the future. I will definitely treat Master as a bright moon in my heart like my sister!”

Charlie smiled faintly: “Okay, don’t flatter yourself, and you can make trouble for second uncle in the future.”

Steven nodded hurriedly.

At this time, the referee said: “The last regular preliminaries of the five groups, start now!”

Steven got excited at once, pointed to the entrance and said excitedly, “Master, my sister is on the stage!”

Chapter 1313

As Steven Quinton’s voice fell, Charlie immediately saw Aurora who walked in at the entrance!

Today, Aurora wore a sports bra and a pair of sports shorts. Her excellent figure was exposed. What Charlie didn’t expect was that Aurora’s muscle lines were amazing, and there was even an obvious v line around her waist.

With this figure, it is really invincible among girls!

In addition, Aurora’s skin is as white as snow, and there are no blemishes. With such a beautiful figure, it is perfect to be impeccable.

In addition, Aurora’s long hair was tied into a neat ponytail behind her head, and she wore a pair of big red boxing gloves on her hand, her face was brazen.

Walking out side by side with Aurora was a young woman with brown skin, even a little dark.

Steven Quinton introduced to Charlie diligently: “Master Wade, my sister played against a Thai player today. It is said that he has strong Muay Thai skills and is a seed player of the Philippines team!”

Charlie laughed and said: “It’s nothing to be afraid of Muay Thai. The whole of Thailand is only Muay Thai, which can be regarded as a handy fighting technique. Compared with our Chinese martial arts, it is really insignificant, and you My sister can definitely beat this Thai player.”

Steven Quinton said with a smile, “Master Wade is so insightful! In fact, I also think that my sister will definitely win her!”

Mr. Quinton on the side glared at Steven Quinton and murmured, “You show me a good time to watch the game, and stop talking nonsense there and affect Master Wade’s mood when watching the game.”

Steven Quinton shrank his neck when he was scolded, not knowing what he had done wrong, which made his second uncle unhappy.

In fact, Mr. Quinton was mainly annoyed because this kid was robbing him here, and he was going to get close to Master Wade.

As a result, this kid kept chatting here, so it made people annoying.

At this time, Aurora, who was on the stage, also saw Charlie in the stands, and the little chili with a bit of firmness in his original expression instantly became shy.

She gently waved her hand with boxing gloves, and exclaimed excitedly: “Master Wade, you are here!”

Charlie nodded and smiled at her, and said: “Be sure to cheer later, I am optimistic that you will qualify for the team and advance to the quarterfinals!”

Aurora smiled shyly, her heart as sweet as honey.

Nothing makes you happy and excited more than your beloved man comes to watch your game.

She felt that at this time, she was the happiest woman in the world.

At this point, the referee stepped forward.

Since it was a preliminary match and there were 7 other groups of players in the game at the same time, the referee did not delay the time. He walked up and said directly: “Both sides prepare, the game will start in 30 seconds!”

Aurora and the Thai female athlete immediately warmed up briefly in the ring.

After 30 seconds, the referee took the two to the center of the ring. After briefly talking about the rules of the game, they immediately announced the start of the game!

As soon as the game started, the Thai female player took the initiative to launch a quick attack on Aurora.

Chapter 1314

Charlie can see that this Thai female boxer is quick to punch and her body is very flexible, and her height is almost ten centimeters shorter than Aurora, and her body is short overall, so her bottom plate is more stable.

Moreover, the Thai female player has a very clever style of play. She knows that her advantage is in the bottom game and Aurora’s advantage is in the top game, so she frequently attacks from the bottom game.

As the opponent came up and quickly launched an attack, Aurora could only focus on blocking, so the whole fight was a little embarrassing.

In the first round, the opponent had significantly more effective hits than Aurora, so after one round, the opponent was ahead of Aurora in points.

During a short break, Aurora’s coach hurriedly gave Aurora tactical guidance in Aurora’s ear.

After a short break of a few minutes, the game immediately entered the second round.

At the beginning of the second round, Aurora changed her strategy and took the initiative to attack the opponent, but her main tactic was to break the opponent’s bottom set, and the opponent continued to break her bottom set.

But Aurora was obviously not as solid as the opponent in the next game, and because her figure was relatively thin and tall, the next game itself was not stable, so it was obviously not dominant in this kind of confrontation.

Soon after the second round, Aurora still lags behind the opponent in points, and the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

Steven Quinton couldn’t sit still at this moment. He whispered: “The Thai player always beats my sister’s side. If my sister can’t break through the opponent’s advantage, then it is very likely that the game will be lost.”

Charlie smiled: “Steven Quinton, it seems that you are quite discerning.”

Steven Quinton said embarrassedly, “It was Aurora’s classmate who got the axe. Please forgive me, Master Wade.”

Charlie nodded slightly and glanced at the Thai female player.

He found that this female player, although the bottom plate is more stable and the speed of her legs is faster, but the faster her tactics, the less defensive her tactical moves. Every time she takes her legs, while attacking the opponent, she also She exposed her weaknesses. Every time she tried to attack from the bottom plate, she deliberately pressed her leg very low, trying to directly attack Aurora’s calf and ankle. This method of getting out of the leg was fierce, as long as she hit with all her strength.

For a moment, I am afraid that Aurora will find it difficult to stand normally in this game, and it will be equivalent to losing the game at night.

However, it was precisely because she pressed her legs very low that a fatal flaw was revealed. It was the front of her own leg bones and knees. Although Aurora was not stable in her footing, she was better than her height and long legs. When the opponent lowers her leg, the opponent hits the front of the opponent’s leg bones and the front of the knee in one step. It is very likely that the opponent’s entire bottom plate attack will be destroyed in one move.

So Charlie stood up and walked to the side of the ring, Aurora’s resting place.

At this time Aurora was sitting in a small chair for rest, and her coach said to her: “Now you are hitting your back game. This is your disadvantage, but if you want to get it back, you can beat her back. It’s her last game. Once you have the upper hand in the upper game, the opponent’s advantage in the next game won’t be played out. If you play hard, we can still get the score back in the next three games!”

Charlie couldn’t help frowning.

If you feel that the opponent’s disadvantage is on the upper plate, you have to launch an offensive against the opponent’s upper plate first. This idea is too simple for your opponent to think of.

It’s like a police officer catching a gunman, knowing that his biggest target is the abdomen, so he will wear his body armor in advance.

On the surface, the disadvantage of this Thai player is the hanging game, but she hides the murderous intention in the second game. Even if Aurora can take advantage of the hanging game, but it is difficult to hit the other side in the hanging game, but once the opponent is in her After successfully hitting the calf and ankle once, Aurora’s whole person may fall into absolute badness, and thus will have no strength to fight back in the subsequent matches!

So Charlie walked up to Aurora and said to Aurora, “Aurora, don’t hit the opponent’s top game. Instead, focus on the opponent’s bottom game. While avoiding the opponent’s attack, look for opportunities and use your height and legs. Long advantage, attack directly above her right calf and knee, her bottom plate is fast and strong, so you must break her bottom plate to win the final victory!”

Chapter 1315

Hearing Charlie’s words, Aoxue looked at him with joy, and shouted excitedly: “Master!”

After speaking, she said with a little shame: “Sorry, Master, let you watch the joke!”

Charlie smiled comfortingly: “It’s okay. At first, it’s normal that you can’t find the rhythm. If you carefully analyze the opponent’s strengths and weaknesses and choose the right strategy, you can turn against the wind and win in the end.”

Aoxue nodded excitedly, and said piously: “I see, Master, thank you for your teaching!”

At this moment, the coach next to Aoxue looked at Charlie with a dissatisfied expression, and said, “What are you commanding here? Do you know how to Sanda? Aoxue is now at the most critical time, if the third game cannot save the situation. , It is likely to lose! You are still giving her a bad idea at this time, isn’t this intentional to harm her?”

Charlie said lightly: “I just told her the truth, and it’s a fact you can’t see!”

“If she continues to play as you said, she will definitely lose miserably this time. The Thai player is not much better than Aoxue in terms of strength, skill and speed. It’s just that the opponent’s tactics are very smart, so Only in the first two rounds did Aoxue fight!”

“And if Aoxue is not tactically, and overtakes the opponent by one head, then this game will be lost!”

The coach said angrily: “Where do amateurs dare to fight in front of me, I won the national Sanda championship, so you dare to point fingers in front of me?”

Charlie smiled and said: “You said it yourself, you only won the national championship, but now Aoxue is going to win the world championship, why do you think you can guide a world championship at the level of a national championship?”

“You…” The coach was insulted by Charlie, his heart was very angry, but he couldn’t find any suitable words to refute him, so he gritted his teeth and said sharply to Aoxue instead: ” Aoxue, if you listen to him today and play according to his method, then you will not train with me, and I will no longer be your coach! You will be on the court later, you can figure it out!”

Aoxue was also very embarrassed at this time, she didn’t expect her coach to choke with Master.

She has been training with this coach for more than a year, and the overall feeling is pretty good, but in her mind, his weight is really worse than Master.

If Master didn’t advise her, she would naturally follow the tactics ordered by the coach.

But since Master gave her advice, she would undoubtedly choose the tactics Master formulated.

So, after she made the decision, she looked sorry, looked at her coach and said: “Coach really sorry, I am going to use the tactics Master just told me.”

“You…” Coach said angrily: “I thought you were a very smart girl, but I didn’t expect you to be so ignorant of good and bad. Since you choose to believe in this amateur player, then the relationship between the two of us is a teacher and apprentice. That’s it.”

As he said, he stepped off the ring, walked a few meters and then turned around and said: “Aoxue, originally I believed that you can advance to the top 8 this time, and may even hit the medal, but now it seems that your fate in this competition will stop in the group stage.”

Afterwards, he looked at Charlie coldly, and said disdainfully: “Boy, you ruined a good seedling.”

Charlie smiled and said, “Really? Why don’t I feel at all? On the contrary, I think that Aoxue has a chance to hit the championship this time.”

“Are you kidding?” Coach said disdainfully: “Do you know how strong the real seed player is in this competition? The top seed Japanese player Nanako is far superior to Aoxue. The Brazilian player Joanna, the number one seed, is also stronger than Aoxue. If there is my guidance, Aoxue still has a chance to beat Joanna, but without me, she can’t even win this game!”

Charlie smiled and said: “Don’t worry, whether it is Brazilian player Joanna or Japanese player Nanako, they will all become Aoxue’s defeaters!”

Coach said contemptuously: “Boy, you have a big tone. With your three-legged cat’s amateur skills, can Aoxue defeat Nanako?”

Chapter 1316

Charlie nodded: “If you don’t believe it, we can just walk around and see.”

“Okay!” Coach sneered: “Walk and see, I’ll just wait here to see how Aoxue loses this game!”

After that, he walked directly to the audience seat next to him, found an empty seat and sat down, with his arms folded on his chest, with a look of good play. He had already recognized Aoxue in his heart. Not doubt she will lose.

Charlie ignored him, but watched Aoxue whispered: “Don’t be nervous later, just fight as I said. I believe you will be able to defeat this opponent.”

Aoxue nodded heavily, and then said with a pitiful face: “Master, Coach is gone, I will not have a coach in the future. If I win this game, there may be a few more games to play in the future. Can you Come to be my coach?”

Charlie said without hesitation: “No problem, I will be your coach from now on.”

Aoxue cheered with excitement: “Great! I will call you Coach Wade in future matches!”

Charlie smiled and said, “You can call me whatever you want.”

At this time, the referee rang the bell for the third game.

Aoxue stood up, flexed her muscles and bones, and said to Charlie with a resolute expression: “Coach Wade, I’m going to play!”

Charlie nodded: “Come on!”

At this time, the Thai players also walked from the other side of the ring to the center of the ring.

At this time, the Thai player’s expression was very relaxed, even a bit contemptuous.

She had already won a lot of points from Aoxue in the first two games, as long as she played steadily in the next three games. She will definitely be able to defeat the opponent and advance to the quarterfinals.

What Aoxue was thinking about at this time was the tactics that Charlie told her, and she was already knowing how to fight next.

With the start of the referee, the third game of the two sides officially kicked off.

Seeing that her tactics in the first two rounds worked very well, the Thai player was ready to adopt a fresh-eaten routine against Aoxue.

Therefore, as soon as she came up, she went straight to Aoxue’s bottom plate and launched a fierce attack.

Aoxue gave up the idea of ​​attacking on the upper plate, concentrated on resisting the opponent’s attack on the lower plate, and at the same time was looking for the weaknesses exposed by the opponent’s attack.

Generally speaking, in Sanda combat, the more fierce the offensive is, the weaker the strength of the defense, which is like the faster a person runs, the more unstable the center of gravity, the easier it is to fall.

Therefore, Aoxue quickly saw the weakness exposed by the opponent in the process of quickly getting out of the leg!

The opportunity is here!

Chapter 1317

Coach had been watching from the side, seeing Aoxue always passively defending and being beaten back by the opponent, he couldn’t help but sneer.

In his opinion, Aoxue’s tactics were simply the weakest among the weak.

Since the opponent’s next set attack is fast and the upper set is relatively inferior, it should be the same as the opponent’s own next, and the other side’s hanging.

In this way, we can find a breakthrough point and reverse this passive situation in one fell swoop.

This is also the traditional thinking of most coaches.

But this is also the root reason why most coaches cannot become top coaches, and even when they themselves are players, they cannot become top players.

In Charlie’s view, whether it is a battle between the two armies or a fight between the two, the best and most stable way is to defeat the enemy’s trump card.

Just like in a war, if the opponent’s ace division is defeated, not only will the opponent’s strength be greatly weakened, but also the military will be in a state of confusion.

In contrast, if you just destroy the opponent’s miscellaneous army, or even the cannon fodder army, not only is it impossible to achieve a key victory, but it may be targeted by the opponent’s main force because of the main goal of the measure.

In Sanda, if the opponent uses the fist best, then the opponent’s fist must be abolished; if the opponent uses the leg best, then the opponent’s leg must be abolished, otherwise the opponent’s most powerful means of attack is left. It is the biggest hidden danger.

The Thai player Aoxue face was the best at right leg, so even if Aoxue launched an attack on her upper plate and succeeded in the attack, it would not have much impact on her attack power.

In this process, if Aoxue was hit by the opponent’s leg, it was very likely to fall into a slump immediately.

That’s why Charlie asked Aoxue to do everything possible to find the weakness of the opponent’s next game.

And at the moment when the opportunity came, Aoxue did not disappoint her trust.

Seeing Aoxue’s fierce kick facing the opponent, she suddenly flashed, and then stepped hard, slamming on the calf bone of the leg that the opponent kicked.

This step immediately caused the Thai player to cry out in pain.

Immediately afterwards, she felt a sudden pain in her right leg, as if she was about to fracture.

This pain made her feel unsteady even standing, let alone continue to attack Aoxue.

So she immediately limped back a few steps, her face full of shock and incredible.

What she didn’t expect was that her next game was obviously stronger than the opponent, but the opponent dared to make a fuss with her in the end.

She kept beating her back every time, thinking that she had the upper hand, and waiting to give her a fatal blow, but she didn’t expect that the other party was the one who looked at her and waited to give her a fatal blow!

With this foot, she was affected even when she walked. Every step she took was painful, and the combat effectiveness of the whole person plummeted instantly.

Most of the audience in the audience was Chinese. Seeing Aoxue finally regained a city, a burst of cheers broke out.

Charlie looked at Aoxue with approval, and it seemed that Aoxue was really talented. She was able to seize this opportunity accurately the first time the other party exposed her weakness.

Now the balance on the ring has been severely tilted, and the Thai player injured her right leg. It is absolutely impossible to be Aoxue’s opponent anymore, but this kick just now laid the foundation for Aoxue’s victory.

Coach in the audience looked very ugly.

He really didn’t expect that Aoxue could really take advantage of the opponent in the next game!

The kick just now is very strong, and you can tell that the other party’s injury is serious.

From the coach’s perspective, it can be seen that Aoxue’s game has already been won, and the rest is just a matter of time.

Chapter 1318

At this moment, he couldn’t help feeling regretful.

Seeing Aoxue was about to advance to the quarterfinals, she turned her face against her.

In this way, if she achieves better results in this game, then it has nothing to do with her.

At this moment, Aoxue changed, just constantly defending the retreat routine, and proactively launched a series of attacks on the opponent.

The opponent’s right leg was injured, and she was already greatly affected. Now being chased by Aoxue, every step back in her right leg would bring piercing pain.

And her right leg can’t keep up with her figure at all now, and it has become an oil bottle.

This makes her not only difficult to defend, difficult to dodge, but also difficult to counterattack.

Most of Aoxue’s series of offenses hit the opponent.

The Thai players, who was on the offensive just now, can only hold their heads and flee in the ring.

Aoxue kept Charlie’s teachings in mind, and was still staring at the opponent’s bottom plate, preparing to give the opponent another fatal blow.

Soon, she found a chance in the other party’s backlash.

So she kicked out a whip leg accurately, and kicked directly on the opponent’s injured right leg.

At this time, she kicked the opponent with a scream, her face was pale, her forehead and cheeks were covered with cold sweat.

Aoxue didn’t use her full strength with this kick. If she used her full strength, the opponent’s calf would have been broken.

The reason why there is still a certain amount of leeway is to give the other side a chance.

The game is only on, she doesn’t want to completely abolish the opponent.

After all, for a Sanda athlete, the limbs are the most important body part in their eyes. If the leg is really broken, then the career can be declared over. After all, even if the broken leg can recover, it will definitely not reach the previous level. Competitive state, strength will inevitably be greatly weakened.

The Thai player also realized that Aoxue had been merciful with this kick just now. So she also felt a little grateful for Aoxue.

She has been practicing Muay Thai for many years, and she is most proud of her right leg.

If her right leg was kicked off by Aoxue today, then she wouldn’t have to participate in any competitions in the future. She was only in her early twenties this year, so she didn’t want to let her career stop there.

Thinking of this, she took two steps back and gave Aoxue a fist gratefully. Then she said to her coach in Thai, and then her coach raised the towel.

As soon as the referee saw this, he immediately jumped into the arena, blocked the two players, and said: “The Thai player admits defeat, and the Chinese player Aoxue won this game!”

With his announcement, Aoxue jumped up excitedly.

She subconsciously looked for Charlie’s figure, and then looked at him with an extremely affectionate look, and the worship of him in his heart reached a new peak again.

Qin Gang and Steven were also excited, and stood up and applauded.

Only the Coach, seeing Aoxue win, had a gloomy expression to death.

He even began to think about how he could restore the relationship between his teacher and Aoxue.

Because, once Aoxue achieved good results in the competition, it was a good opportunity for her to become famous.

But just now, she gave this good opportunity to others. d*mn it!

Chapter 1319

With Aoxue’s victory, this little pepper also officially entered the quarter-finals of this international college student Sanda competition.

This is Aoxue’s best result in an international college student Sanda competition.

When the competition was held in Canada last year, she made a special trip to compete, but that time she failed to qualify for the group, and the final overall ranking was 30th.

So this time, Aoxue has achieved an unprecedented breakthrough.

After the referee announced the victory, she shook hands with the Thai player and the two girls hugged each other.

Immediately, Aoxue turned around and ran to Charlie quickly. When she came to Charlie, she happily jumped up and jumped directly onto him.

“Master, thank you so much!”

Aoxue hugged his neck and hugged him like a baby koala, happier than ever.

Aoxue’s hug caught Charlie by surprise, but he could also feel the excitement and joy in her heart.

So Charlie was unwilling to sweep her heart, so he hugged her and turned around twice, and said with a smile: “You just entered the quarter-finals, and you’re so happy. If you win the championship, you will not be excited. Crazy?”

Aoxue hugged Charlie’s neck and blushed and said: “I have never expected to win the championship. I am already very happy to be able to advance to the top 8.”

Charlie smiled and said: “I remember you didn’t say that before, but you said before that you were sure to get a good ranking.”

Aoxue said embarrassedly: “People are afraid that you will dislike me, Master, so I deliberately boasted. Actually, I never thought about getting a medal…”

“Okay…” Charlie nodded and smiled: “Okay, don’t hold on me, everyone is watching, your father and your brother are watching too.”

Aoxue realized that she was still hanging on Charlie’s body.

At this time, Charlie was also a little contemplative, after all, Aoxue’s figure was really too good.

Moreover, her skin is as smooth as jade!

More importantly, she now only wears a sports bra and flat-angle sports shorts, so holding herself in this way, the touch is very clear.

Aoxue’s shy smile blushed, and hurriedly jumped off him.

At this time, Qin Gang, who was not far away, was looking at his precious daughter with a smile on his face.

He had long expected his daughter to make some substantial progress with Master.

Today, it seems that his daughter and Master have finally made some substantial progress, which is really gratifying, and he feels more gratified than his daughter won the game.

Charlie said to Aoxue at this time: “Don’t forget to say hello to your father and your younger brother, let’s go over.”

Aoxue just remembered that she patronized Charlie to celebrate, but she forgot that her father and her younger brother were in the stands.

This made her feel even more embarrassed in her heart. She thought to herself: “It was really shameful just now. There was only Master in her eyes. It is a sin to forget her father and younger brother!”

So, she hurriedly came to Qin Gang and Steven with Charlie, blushing and said, “Dad, brother, is what I did just now?”

Chapter 1320

Steven gave a thumbs up and praised: “Sister, you just made the jedi blow, it was great! Seeing that you didn’t get the upper hand in the first two games, I thought you were going to lose!”

Qin Gang also smiled and said, “Yes, Dad just squeezed a cold sweat for you!”

Aoxue said embarrassedly: “Thanks to Master’s reminder, otherwise I might really lose…”

With that, Aoxue embraced Charlie’s arm affectionately, and said softly, “Also, Master will be my coach in the future!”

“Ah?” Qin Gang heard that Wade will be the coach of his daughter. Although he was very excited, he still said with a nervous expression: “How? Are you kidding me? Master manages so many important things every day. How can he accompany you to play this kind of kid’s game, what if it delays a master’s business? Can you bear this responsibility?”

Aoxue was reprimanded by her father, and she immediately curled her lips a little wronged.

At the same time, she was also worried in her heart, would she let Charlie be her coach, would it really delay Charlie’s serious affairs?

At this time, Charlie said with a smile: “I actually have nothing to do recently. Besides, Aoxue is not a kid’s game. After all, she’s trying to win glory for the country. I hope she can win a championship, so she can give it to us!”

Qin Gang heard this and finally heaved a sigh of relief and said with a smile: “Aoxue, since Master trusts you so much, then you must train hard and actively prepare for the subsequent competitions. You must reward Master with a good ranking. Trust in you!”

“I will definitely work hard!”

Aoxue clenched her fists and said with excitement: “I will definitely go all out in the following competitions and strive to get the best result back!”

Charlie smiled and said: “You have to zoom in. From my point of view, you have to bring a champion back for everything you say in this competition to be justified!”

Aoxue hurriedly said: “Master, the No. 1 seed, No. 2 seed, and No. 3 seed players in this competition are all very strong, especially the No. 1 seed selection, Japan’s Nanako. She is the top Japanese national treasure master Yamamoto. One of Kazuki’s personal disciples, was judged by Yamamoto Kazuki as an unborn genius, and she has won two international college Sanda competitions. This time she is going to attack for three consecutive championships.”

Charlie smiled and said: “Whether it is Sanben Yiki or Yamamoto Erki’s disciple, don’t worry, with me, she must not be your opponent!”

“Really?!” Aoxue knew Charlie’s magical powers and knew that he would never say anything unsure, so she asked excitedly: “Master, can I really win over Nanako?”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “Don’t worry, since I say it, you can definitely do it!”

“Great!” Aoxue cheered, excited.

At this moment, the Coach just stepped forward and said with a smile: “Oh, Aoxue, I really congratulate you. You have advanced to the top 8 without any precedent and has tied the best result of a Chinese college student in this game. !”

“If you can win the next game and advance to the top 4 smoothly, then you can create a new record for our Chinese college students in this game!”

Aoxue thought to herself, even though Coach had broken with herself just now, he came to congratulate her at the moment. Of course she could not neglect it out of courtesy.

So she humbly said: “Coach, I passed the award, I will work hard for the game.”

Coach smiled and said seriously: “In the game just now, you won very thrilling, with a lot of luck. If you want to win the next game, you must not rely on luck, but you must rely on systematic training and practise. Professional guidance, why not let me continue to guide you through the subsequent competition!”

Charlie listened, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, smiled and did not speak.

When Aoxue heard this, she immediately resolutely said: “I’m sorry Coach, I now have a new coach.”

“That’s him?” Coach looked at Charlie contemptuously, and said with contempt: “This kind of person is not professional at all. Just now he was just a blind cat and a dead mouse. If you still hope in him, then you will be very next. It may stop in the top 8 and it is impossible to go further!”

Aoxue said indignantly: “Huh! Don’t talk nonsense here! In my mind, Coach Wade is the best coach in the world! No one can be compared to him! Including you!”

The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 1311-1320 - EthicLearner (2024)


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

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Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.